Get VIP-access which includes:
- All circuits of Laptop and All-in-One PC motherboards, which are in our store (unlimited).
- Access to our collection of tested BIOS dumps that are not represented in our store (more than 4000 dumps, access on demand).
- Access to our collection of circuits for motherboards of Desktop computers that are not represented in our store (more than 2000 circuits, access on demand).
- Free and without queue search for resources that are not in our collection (the result is not guaranteed):
- circuits for Laptop motherboards
- circuits for All-in-One PC motherboards
- circuits for motherboards of Desktop computers
- circuits for Tablet PC motherboards
- circuits of any daughter boards
- layout of components on the motherboard (BoardView)
- main BIOS and EC BIOS dumps
- other resources in coordination with the administration
Access is not limited in time ( provided that the rules are not violated ).
To purchase VIP-access you must be registered in our store.
The VIP account is for the personal use of one person only.
Write to us if you need more details.